Norway: Kittelbreaker
Norway is all about steep creeking and lots of water, and the run we did a couple of days ago is no difference to that! As a tributary of the Raundalselva the Ruande contributes water and does that in style. The last 500 meters contains three cataracts which are all big and super exciting. We did the two uppermost cataracts and left the last slide for another time!
The first is quite the famous one called 'the Tunnel passage' where the water flows through a tunnel under a train rail. It is maybe not the hardest but the thing is going so steep and quick that my heartrate definetly reached 210 on that. The photos shows what I mean, made by Belgium L6 boater Sven Joos, thanks!
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Next up is a 12 meter drop/slide which was really fun to paddle. To last slide looked quite scary so we skipped that, but it is being paddled for sure. We are now in Sjoa waiting for the Sjoa River Festival to start on wednesday. Luckily there's a world class wave here making you wonder why you would ever paddle in a hole again.. This makes Norway one of the most perfect Freestyle destinations for 2011, oh yeah!
End of this week an update from the Sjoa River Festival, in the meanwhile check for news on that!
Cheers, Raoul